
Your prostheses have a significant impact on your health and quality of life. It is therefore important to take care of it, just as it is necessary to take care of the health of your gums. To do this, a...

One day, you may lose or break your protheses. And if this misfortune knocks on your door, you will be happy to have La Rescousse in your possession. This copy of your dental prosthesis, even if it is designed with...

If you wear a full lower denture, for example, and experience significant discomfort and limitations in both nutrition and stability, dental implant placement can make a big difference in your life . These implants can stabilize your prosthesis and support...

In our field of activity related to dental prostheses, different qualities of products are offered and made available to you. The quality of a dental prosthesis, with or without implants, is closely linked to the care that we will give...

During this appointment, we will take the time to validate your dental prosthesis needs. During this thorough examination, we will assess your current dentures, if any, and your entire mouth. These first observations are essential and will allow us to...

The privileges related to our service plans are offered free of charge at Ivoire Santé Dentaire. You will be reassured to find that you will not have to pay professional fees if your prostheses suffers a breakage and requires a...

We sometimes receive people in our clinics who have certain fears about changing their dentures. We understand, but what follows will reassure you. We understand, but what follows will reassure you. Our goal is to offer you a sensational dental...

This situation leads to pain and problems with chewing and pronunciation. Not to mention the embarrassment and discomfort in your social relationships. There are solutions! Dental prostheses fixed on implants could allow you to eat with pleasure again! At Ivoire...

When we lose our teeth, the jawbone stops renewing itself. e therefore lose more bone volume in the face than a person who retains their natural teeth. And since people tend to wear their dentures too long (and they wear...

At Ivoire, if you need to extract a few teeth or even all of your remaining teeth, we offer you an immediate prostheses. Wearing a prostheses immediately after tooth extraction has many advantages. Adaptation is easier when you decide to...